Monday, May 1, 2017

5th Grade - 4/30/2017

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Today during T'filah, Cantor Rick told us that in Torah, we see in this week's torah portion how we forgive ourselves. The way that Aaron did this was by using goats. He had two- for both, he would place all of the sins for the community on it. One had a red ribbon tied on it, and it was sent into a wasteland. The objective was for Azazel to eat that goat. The second was given to G-d as a burnt offering. We then move into a list of instructions telling us what we should do to have a community of individuals. The ultimate goal is to have a community of special people. Cantor then told us that through the actions that we do, we can make ourselves into people that are Kadosh, or special. When we could no longer offer sacrifices, we started to do T'filah, or worship. Our actions give us our state of holiness and individuality. 

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In class, we had Kehilah. Mrs. Zamir told us that today we have art. Our last day, we'll be giving 3 minute presentations. We don't have Hebrew school on Tuesday because it's Yom Ha'atzmaut. The 9th is our last Tuesday and the 21st is our last day. Then we went to art. Today, we made Mandalas. Over the year, we've learned about Judaism and we've reaffirmed things about our Jewish selves with the new information. For our project today, we had to think of a list of 3 to 4 things that we think represent our Jewish selves. Mrs. Schulgaser told us we'd be using a circle for our Mandalas- they represent a cycle. Many things in life have cycles. The word for whole in Hebrew is Shalem. She told us to think about what's at the center of our Jewishness. For our project, we had layers; protective layers and layers to reach out to others. 

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Once we returned from art, we had Hebrew. We passed our Hebrew books out, then turned to page 67. We did a few word matching exercises, then Mrs. Zamir wrote some words on the board, all of which we had to search for in the Kidush. The words were holy, respect/heavy, bless, and rule/king. 

1st, 2nd & 3rd grade - April 23rd, 2017

Kindergarten - 

To start our day, the kindergarten class drew pictures. 
Afterward, we got into circle time and we welcomed everyone to the circle and to class with a song. Next, we shared what we plan on doing once Sunday school ends. 
After that, we went to the atrium for Kehilah. The 6th graders helped with Havdalah, and our snack today was goldfish and water. 

1st -
To begin class today, we got in a circle on the carpet. Our teacher went through what these last few weeks of Sunday school are going to be like: we will be presenting our poster. We were told we would be going to Kenisha, T'filah, then we'll stay in the sanctuary to make a skit with first and second grade. 
Next we had Kehilah. The 6th graders helped lead Havdalah. Our snack was goldfish and water. 

2nd - 
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To begin class, we all got our workbooks and a pencil. Our task was to finish Lesson 3. This lesson was about asking G-d for help. Before we ask G-d for help, we have to know what things G-d can help us with. An example is responsibility: getting a good grade on a test after studying. 

Grade 5 - Sunday, April 9th, 2017

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 Pesach is coming, and most of us will be having a Seder tomorrow night. The Seder is to tell the story of Exodus and eat matzah, but it's also a time of remeberance, mitzvah-doing, praying, and learning. If there was no pesach, none of us would be here. We'd still be lower class in Egypt. The fact that we get to talk about the freedom we have because of it. Each of us is responsible for the continuation of Jewish life, to practice and pass down what the Exodus gave us to make us who we are today.

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During Kehilah today, we had havdalah. A couple of the sixth graders helped us by going around the circle with the candle, spices and wine. Afterward, we were all given a paper with the four questions. As a group, we chanted them in preparation for tomorrow's Seder. Our snack was goldfish and water.

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Back in class, we had two guest speakers from our junior youth group. They are encouraging us to run for the youth group office, which we will have the opportunity to be in next year. As we collected tzedakah, we were given information about a junior youth group sponsored gaga tournament.

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Afterward, we watched a video by Bible Raps. It was called "The Days of 10 Plagues." We were told rap has a rhyme on every 4th word. We were given a paper with the lyrics on it to follow along.

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With this in mind, we were given the task to make our own rap. With 1-2-3-rhyme as our basis, we were partnered up and given one of the ten plagues to base our part of the rap on.

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When some of our classmates went to parent-child, Cantor came into our class. We got to share our raps with him, and he learned a new way to tell stories- he was very impressed with us.

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After a little bathroom break, we shared our raps in front of the class.

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Last, we practiced the four questions. Afterward, we watched a funny video about them.