Sunday, February 1, 2015

What Happened in Grades 3-6 on Sunday, February 1...

Grade 3

Today in the third grade, we started our new Judaics classes. The students who had Mrs. Gabay last semester now have Mrs. Zaas and vice versa. Therefore, we got outlines of what we would be learning, and even participated in some getting to know you games.  

In Mrs. Zaas’s class, we talked about Shabbat, since our question of the day was: What is one fact you know about Shabbat? We first discussed the basics: candle lighting, challah eating, and grape juice drinking. We went into further detail and heard about what the Shabbat candles represent: Shalom Bayit (Peace in the Home) and Oneg Shabbat (Sabbath Joy). Then Mrs. Zaas stressed the importance of Tikkun Olam, G’milut Chasadim, and Tzedakah.

In Mrs. Gabay’s  class, we made Jewish stars with our names in the center, then on each point we listed our favorite Jewish holiday, favorite Jewish food, favorite song, favorite vacation, number of people in our family, and lastly, what we wanted to be when we grow up.

 Then we talked about the upcoming holiday, Tu b'Shevat, which is the birthday of the trees. Did you know that even if you plant a tree the day before it is still considered to be a whole year old? Lastly, we briefly discussed the five books of the Torah and their names.

Grade 4

Today in the fourth grade, we had art with Mrs. Schulgasser. For the introduction, Mrs. Schulgasser asked us questions about the Purim story. After that, we divided into two different teams to try to make a timeline of all the information we could remember about Purim. Whichever team had the most details correct won. Then we went back to the table individually, and created a three dimensional representation of something from the Purim story. 

Grade 5

During T'filah, Grade 5 talked about this week’s Parsha. It was about how things parents say to children are passed down to them orally. Cantor told us about why Mt. Sinai was chosen by God instead of another mountain. Next we had Kehillah. We celebrated the February birthdays, then we had a snack of graham crackers and water. 

In Mrs. Zamir’s Judaics class, we began with a game where we got into a circle and tried to count to ten without repeating numbers. The hard part was that we didn’t have a predefined order to say the numbers in. We had try to guess if someone was going to speak based on his/her body language. 

Then, Mrs. Zamir introduced us to Philosophical Inquiry, a process during which we will read a text and then raise questions about it to better understand the world around us.

In Miss Silverstein’s class we told everyone about ourselves as a way to begin the new semester with our new classes. We also made a new set of britot.  

We also got to learn about Tu b'Shevat with different fruits. We decided which prayers to say for each one. 

In Hebrew, we used sentence strips to review the Kedushah.

Grade 6

During T'filah, Grade 6 talked about this week’s Parsha. It was about how things parents say to children are passed down to them orally. Cantor told us about why Mt. Sinai was chosen by God instead of another mountain. Next we had Kehillah. We celebrated the February birthdays, then we had a snack of graham crackers and water. 

In class, Grade 6 reviewed last week’s speaker and we talked about what we wanted to do after we finished high school. We then had a discussion about serving in Israel; how once students finish high school they need to join the army. Is it fair or not? We thought no, but after our teacher described that Israelis deal with this all their lives, we figured it would seem fair to them. In fact, students look forward to joining the army once they graduate. 

Next we read in more detail about the army. Each group read a different collection of information and then presented what they read to the rest of the class.

Then we got to watch a video. It was called Grandpa’s Tree. It was about Tu b'Shevat. Once we’d finished it, we discussed how it made us feel, how we would celebrate Tu b'Shevat if we were in Israel. 

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