Sunday, February 23, 2014

What Happened in Grades 3-6 on Sunday, February 23...

Grade 3

Today for Grade 3 was all about Purim!

Mrs. Schulgasser helped us create dioramas of scenes from the Purim story using plastic forks, spoons and knives.

It was great to be able to use a variety of art supplies...

and the finished products all looked awesome!

Grade 4

In Mrs. Abrams Judaics class today, we read about Shifrah and Puach, the two midwives who refused to follow Pharaoh's orders to kill any Hebrew baby boys.

We talked about what made Shifrah and Puach upstanders and then awarded a Shifrah and Puach Award to someone that we know or have learned about who exemplifies what it means to be an upstander.

Here, Max is presenting his Shifrah and Puach Award to the rest of our class. He awarded the Shifrah and Puach Award to one of his teachers.

Afterwards, we split into two groups and made up skits. Each skit had to include one upstander and one bystander and the group that was watching the skit had to guess who was the upstander and who was the bystander.

In Mr. Feinberg's Judaics class, we read Shemot 14:5-25, which is about when the Hebrews are crossing the Sea of Reeds and the Egyptians are in fast pursuit.

We raised questions about the text that we felt would be interesting to talk about as a class. Next class, we'll use our list to begin our discussion to help better understand this important piece of text.

In Hebrew with Mr. Feinberg, we continued our work with Yotzer Or. We played a game where we each tried to read as much of the prayer without a mistake as possible. The last person standing won!

We also spent time learning about the important shorashim (roots) that make up the words of the Yotzer Or

Grade 5


In Ms. Silverstein's Hebrew class, we continued our work with the Kedushah. Now that we can decode this part of the Amidah successfully, we've moved on to practicing the chanting.

In Judaics with Ms. Gonzalez, we learned about the prophetess Deborah.

To demonstrate what we learned, we create songs about Deborah. Some of us chose tunes from songs that we hear on the radio and some of us chose tunes from TV commercials. It was fun to see what everyone came up with!

Grade 6

When doing Hebrew Through Movement with Mr. Solomon we learned two new words: "Shimon" and "Omer." If you put them together, it means Simon Says!

We also played a game with the shorashim (roots) that come up in the Torah service.

In Ms. Killam's class, we started a new unit on G'milut Chasadim (Acts of Loving Kindness).

Some issues that we discussed when considering how G'milut Chasadim can effect the world around us are environmental issues, world hunger and world health.

We also got to celebrate today because we filled our marble jar! Our teachers have now made it more challenging to fill the jar, meaning that the expectations for our behavior and ability to work together as a Kehillah Kedoshah (scared community) are higher than they were at the beginning of the year. We know that we're up to the challenge!

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