Sunday, May 1, 2016

What Happened in Grades K-2 on Sunday, April 10...


This morning when we came in we had lots of pictures to color. The pictures all related to Passover because that is the next holiday. We have Passover in two weeks and today we learned so much about it!

Then we went to Kehillah in Kehillah we played a version of Simon says in Hebrew. Then after we played that we said the blessings for snack, for snack we had water and graham crackers. 

After Kehillah we went to T'filah, in T'filah we sang a good morning song in different ways. First we sang it like fish, then we sang it like mice, then we sang it like a bull frog. Then we went around the room saying what we were thankful for.

Then we went back to the classroom and had circle time with Mr. TEE, we went around the room saying hello to everyone. Then everyone shared what they did this week. Everyone showed Kavod while others were sharing. We all waited are turn patiently and listened to everyone.  

Then we played a game relating to Passover, we laid out a bunch of food in the classroom and we had to decide if it was safe to eat for Passover or not. Then when we were all done deciding we went over what was OK to eat and what wasn’t.

Then we went to art; in art we made matzah covers for Passover. We learned how to write matzah and wrote them on are covers and hopefully we can all use them this year for Passover!

Grade 1

We started our day by drawing pictures of what we think of when we hear about Passover while we waited for the rest of our friends to arrive. 

Then, during Circle Time, we reviewed what we remembered about Passover from the story that we read last week.

When we got to Kehillah, Cantor helped us sing Israel's national anthem, HaTikvah.

In services, we talked about how part of what we do in our prayers is say Thank You to God. Cantor also told us a story to help us think about Passover. He had us all imagine that we were playing at school. A new kid suddenly asked to play with us, but he looked strange- he had some white hairs, he had a mole on his nose, et cetra. Those of us who wouldn’t let this stranger play with us were like the Egyptians toward Jews back in the day. The moral of this story was to appreciate and accept everyone, despite physical or non-physical differences. 

Back in our classrooms, we broke up into groups. Our madrichim Rachel and Adam each led a group and Ms. Levy lead one too. At Rachel's station, we read a book called Matzo Ball Soup.  In Ms. Levy's station we used flashcards to review what we can and can't eat during Passover.

In Adam's station we explored one of our questions from last week, which was "if the Israelites didn't build the pyramids, what did they build?" As we researched this question, we also learned more about what life was like for the Israelites living in ancient Egypt.

To end the day, Mrs. Lowe read us three Passover books. The first was Penny and the Four Questions, the other was called Seder with the Animals, and the third was called The Little Red Hen and the Passover Matzo

Grade 2

To begin the day, Grade 2 met our substitute teacher. Her name was Mrs. Zaas, and she introduced herself with two interesting facts about her life. We followed suit. After the meet and greet, we drew pictures of a variety of things- Hebrew letters, what we did this weekend, and our favorite things about Passover.

During Kehliah today we ate a snack of graham crackers and water. We then went to T’filah, and there we began as we always do with what we’re thankful for. After everyone had joined us, we talked about the story of Passover, but in a modern way. Our modern way of describing it was imagining being at school during recess and playing. A new kid suddenly asked to play with us, but he looked strange- he had some white hairs, he had a mole on his nose, et cetra. Those of us who wouldn’t let this stranger play with us were like the Egyptians toward Jews back in the day. The moral of this story was to appreciate and accept everyone, despite physical or non-physical differences. 

Back in class, we took a look at a list of G'milut Chasadim (Acts of Loving Kindness)

We then split up into groups to read two different stories from the Torah about G'milut Chasadim

We then got to illustrate what we learned from the stories and how we can bring it into our lives.

Lastly, we learned a new letter today! Today's letter was chet. We worked in our workbooks to learn the letter sound and compare it to look alike letters.

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