Sunday, November 24, 2013

What Happened in Grades K-2 on Sunday, November 24...


In circle time today, Drew told us that over the weekend he watched The Neverending Story which is one of our favorite Movies!

Then, we ate Latkes! Latkes are Potato pancakes that we get to eat every Chanukah!

Then, we read a story called The Menorah Story. It tells the story of how the Menorah was made, and why we get to light the Menorah for Chanukah.

Then we got items that have to do with Chanukah and had to explain what they were and what they were for. We are all very excited for Chanukah!

Grade 1

Our Grade 1 families had a very special program today called "Beginning Your Child's Jewish Journey." The day started off with a breakfast...

And then the children and parents participated in parallel learning. The children read a story about Parshat Mishpatim (the Torah portion for that we will read during Consecration) and began working on the D'var Torah that they will give during the Consecration ceremony.

The parents spent time learning with Rabbi Denker about their child's Jewish educational journey.

Then everyone came back together to work on decorating individual kippot and one large tallit, all of which will be used during the Consecration ceremony. 

Grade 2

For Hebrew review today, we worked on tracing the different Hebrew letters that we've learned. Do you know that we've learned enough letters and vowels to be able to read short words?

Kehillah snack was fantastic today! We got fresh made latkes and apple sauce - yum!

In T'filah, Rabbi Denker and Cantor Yomtov taught us about Chanukah.

In class, we've started talking about the 10 Plagues (our theme this year is Shemot - the Book of Exodus). In Art class, we each drew our bodies on a big piece of paper and then illustrated what the plague would look like. It was really fun!

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