Sunday, November 17, 2013

What Happened in Grades 3-6 on Sunday, November 17...

Grade 3

First thing today, Grade 3 visited the Sivivon Gadol (Giant Dreidel) in the Atrium. Next to it, there is a sign with cards for us to take. On the cards are lists of toys that children from Bellefaire would like for the holiday season. We hope that every family will bring in one toy to help fill someone else's holiday season with cheer.

In Art, we made impressions on foil using Chanukah themes. Our artwork includes the brachot for Chanukah and we are excited to use it to help us when we light our chanukiot!

During Kehillah, we we helped with some work for Religious School Accreditation. Each student filled out a card asking them "How is your synagogue like a house?" and "House is your house like a synagogue?". How would you answer these questions?

In Hebrew class with Mrs. Zaas we added more vocabulary words to our TPR repertoire! Today we focused on the word "ble'e" (without).

Grade 4

Grade 4 had a very outstanding day. First, they had Kehillah all together. Then, we talked about the gift drive for children that are less fortunate than us. Check out the giant dreidel in the Atrium and pick up a gift list for children at Bellefaire.

During Kehillah, we helped with some work for Religious School Accreditation. Each student filled out the card above. How would you answer the questions?

In Mr. Feinberg’s class, we read the torah portion Lech L’cha - Bereshit 12: 1-9. We talked about the portion, and the questions we have about the portion.

In Mrs. Abrams' Judaics class, we read Shifra and Puach. We played a game where we had to give out a Shifra and Puach Award. We split into two groups to come up with a person we felt deserved this award and why. Group 1 decided to choose Abraham Lincoln and Group 2 chose Martin Luther King Jr. 

In Hebrew with Mr. Feinberg, we played Jewpardy!! It was so much fun! We had three categories all on Brachot - Brachot for Meals, General Brachot and Backwards Brachot (Mr. Feinberg told the students the brachah and they told him what the brachah would be said over). Team 1 was the winner!

Grade 5

During Kehillah, we we helped with some work for Religious School Accreditation. Each student filled out a card asking them "How is your synagogue like a house?" and "House is your house like a synagogue?". How would you answer these questions?

We also visited the Sivivon Gadol (Giant Dreidel) in the Atrium. Next to it, there is a sign with cards for us to take. On the cards are lists of toys that children from Bellefaire would like for the holiday season. We hope that every family will bring in one toy to help fill someone else's holiday season with cheer.

In Judaics, we continued our work with Parshat Noach. In the parsha, after the flood, God decides to let human beings eat meat (prior to this, God had commanded that humans only eat grains). We had a great discussion about what makes a food attractive or unattractive and how what we eat reflects our values.

Today was our final recap of the Avot v'Imahot. One activities that we did was that Ms. Silverstein gave us different pieces of paper. Each piece had a different part of the Avot v'Imahot on it. We had to put them in order. 

Grade 6

Today, our Grade 6 parents and students joined together for the pre-B'nai Mitzvah The Journey Continues Program. The morning started with a delicious breakfast spread.

To get to know one another, families lined up by the students B'nai Mitzvah dates.

Then, families brainstormed what qualities are needed in someone who leads the congregation in prayer. Students were able to reflect with their parents about what qualities they have and what qualities they might want to work on between now and their B'nai Mitzvah ceremonies.

Cantor Yomtov called up each student to receive his or her Bar/Bat Mitzvah materials.

Then, each student got to see where his or her parsha is located in the Torah as we unrolled the entire scroll.

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