Did you know that each week our Kindergarten class begins with everyone having a chance to give Tzedakah? Giving Tzedakah is a great way to love your neighbor as yourself and we all try to give some each week. Don't forget to send your child with even just a penny or two - every little bit helps!
Instead of T'filah today, we had a special guest visit us from GUCI, a Jewish overnight camp. We watched a special video all about what it is like to be a camper at GUCI.
Then, we learned to sing a song and dance a special dance. Here, we are dancing and singing Fudgy the Whale.
Back in class, our madrichah (teacher's assistant), Megan, read us a special story called The Very Best Place for a Penny. It is a great book!
In the story, we learned that a Tzedakah box is the very best place for a penny. So today in class, we made our very own Tzedakah boxes.
To end class, we learned about different ways that you can give Tzedakah. Did you know that giving Tzedakah doesn't just mean giving money? Some of us even tried to act out the different ways that we can give Tzedakah.
Grade 1
Today, in Grade 1, we started learning about Havdallah, the special ceremony that ends Shabbat. We talked about how we say "goodbye" to Shabbat during Havdallah and learned about how a Havdallah candle is different from other types of candles. Our madrich (teacher's assistant), Adam, helped us learn the brachot (blessings) for Havdallah by playing them for us on his phone.
Instead of T'filah today, we had a special guest visit us from GUCI, a Jewish overnight camp. We learned two songs. One of them was called Fudgy the Whale and the other song was called Joe's Button Factory. It was really fun!
Back in class, we made our very own Havdallah candles out of beeswax. We can't wait to use them this coming Saturday night to say goodbye to Shabbat.
To end our day, Cantor Yomtov came into our classroom to help us learn three very special songs that we will sing during our Consecration ceremony. When you come to the Beginning Your Child's Jewish Journey program on November 24, you'll get a CD and a sheet with lyrics so that you can help us practice during the week.
Grade 2
Today in Grade 2, we learned a new letter! It is called Aleph. It doesn't make any sound at all.
To practice the letter Aleph, we wrote it in our workbooks.
Instead of T'filah today, we had a special guest visit us from GUCI, a Jewish overnight camp. He told us a story about a King who planted flowers and earned his own money instead of using his inheritance.
Back in class, we reviewed the Hebrew letters and vowels that we've learned so far. Ask your child what letter he or she sees written on the white board in this picture!
Then, we put the letters that we've learned together to form two words - Shabbat Shalom.
We colored in the letters and labeled them. We can't believe that we've learned enough Hebrew to spell two whole words!
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