We had quite an exciting day today! Everyone got to go outside because we had a fire drill.
When we got to Art class, Mrs. Schulgasser had us sit around a long piece of paper. She told us that we were going to draw pictures that made us think of loving our neighbors as ourselves (our theme for this year).
We loved drawing our pictures and Mrs. Schulgasser told us that she is going to roll up our big piece of paper and turn it into a scroll - just like the Torah!!!
Grade 1
Grade 1 started our day in T'filah.
Rabbi Denker asked us questions about Abraham and Sarah. We talked about how Abraham and Sarah fulfilled the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim (Welcoming the Stranger) by welcoming people into their tent.
In our classroom, we learned about Shabbat. Ms. Levy asked us what we do on Shabbat and how Shabbat is different from all of the other days of the week.
We practiced saying the brachot (blessings) over the candles, grape juice and challah.
Mrs. Rosenthal read us a story about Shabbat called Sammy Spider's First Shabbat.
Afterwards, we got to visit the library and check out books!
Grade 2
Grade 2 started our morning with a discussion about the fire drill that we would be participating in later on during the day. Afterwards, we had goldfish in Kehillah and then went to T'filah. Do you know what bracha we say over goldfish? Ask us and hopefully we'll be able to tell you!
After T'filah, we reviewed the aleph bet letters that we have learned so far.
Mrs. Ehrenreich created a tic-tack-toe game for us to play that helped us review the letters.
Our curriculum this year focuses on the book of Shemot (Exodus) and we started to learn a little bit about this part of the Torah today.
We colored pictures of the burning bush after talking about this part of the biblical story.
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