Wednesday, February 8, 2017

2/5/17 Grade 2

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This morning a woman from the shelter our proceeds from the food drive went to came in to tell us where the food will go and why people might need it. She began by asking us what humans need to survive. One we came up with was shelter, and she told us that Abraham and Sarah lived in a tent, the sides always open to welcome someone who didn't have their own shelter. This is a good deed, and that wasn't the only thing that Abraham and Sarah did.

A huge story of mitzvah about Abraham is when he is ill, and speaking to G-d. Even though he was sick and speaking to G-d, he left the tent to go help the people who were walking past the tent. This is what the donated food and our tzedakah goes toward, to make people happy and keep them safe.

An interesting thing about this particular shelter is they also assist with school. If a child can't get to school, they provide transportation! After that, we told Mrs. Galili, the woman who came to visit, our process of beginning the food drive. We made the posters, went from class to class to spread the word, and we put the decorated boxes to put the food in all around temple. 

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Next we had kehilah. Cantor Lawrence came in and we played a little bit of Simon Says in Hebrew! We then sang Hatikva, then the sixth graders went around the circle as we began Havdalah. For snack we had pretzels and water. 

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After, we had T'filah. We said what we were thankful for, like breakfast and and our families, then we began our prayers for this morning. During this time, though, we had a fire drill! It was very cold, but we stuck together, listened closely, and jumped around a little to stay warm. What we learned from it was that we should be prepared for any situation, even if it's scary. 

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Back in class, Mora Julie gave us a little candy treat for being so good throughout the drill. Ms. Dassi came to visit our class as well, and we told her all about what Mrs. Galili told us this morning. She told us "Tiskulah mitzvot" which means continue to do good deeds. 

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Next we got a word search. It had words pertaining to the upcoming Jewish holiday, Tu B'shevat. In the social hall, we had four stations to go to. 

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Our first station was making Tu B'shevat trail mix. In it was crackers, dates, apricots, and raisins. 

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The second station was a matching game where we flipped cards with Tu B'shevat terms on them and matched them from memory. 

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The third station was where we put stickers of foods that grow on plants on a bookmark. 

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Last but not least, we planted some parsley seeds to take home! We can have them with our Tu B'shevat Seder.

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