Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Sunday, September 18th

Sunday, September 18 

Week #2 of Religious School has come and gone.  Temple Emanu El is very lucky to have some committed and talented  teen madrichim that dedicate their Sunday mornings to documenting the learning that happens during Religious School.  This documentation isn’t easy and takes time to perfect.  As with all learning, it’s a work in progress.  This blog is a testimony to the natural curiosities that are uncovered each time Religious School is in session.  Please enjoy perusing our blog as a window into our classrooms and beyond them.  May we continue to go from strength to strength.

Marla Wolf

PreK and Kindergarten

This morning in PreK and Kindergarten the students started off playing games and drawing.  Cantor Lawrence came in later to share his shofar with everyone.  Then, we had circle time and wrote down some rules for the classroom and made a big chain.

-Hannah Appel’



Grade 6

This morning we started out with some traditional chanting of prayers.  Then we talked about the Torah portion, which means, “when you arrive”.  We then had a little fun watching the cantor and rabbi play patty cake. 
After snack we went to the classroom for a fun art project.  The student had choices.  We talked about the Jews receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai as the reading of the Torah in the marketplace.  The students’ drawings were marvelous and very colorful.  We have a very talented class!  
We continued to talk about revelation and G-d giving us the Torah.  We then talked about G-d’s covenant with the Jews and read a description of when G-d gave us the Torah.  After reading some prayers, we talked about tzit tzit and talitot and the blessings that we will say at our Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies.  Then, the rabbi stopped by to talk about three things all tallitot have in common.  Then we read some more prayers and blew some shofarot with the cantor.  We finished the class on the high note. 
 In conclusion, we had a great class with lots of fun!  The 6th Grade students are a pleasure to be with on Sundays!

-Ilana Chestney

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