Today was the first day of Religious School for the 2016/2017 school year!
We started the day by having services with Cantor Rick and Rabbi (who joined us via Skype), and learning who our new teachers would be for the year.
Afterwards, we broke off into our class groups.
PreK/Kindergarten students enjoyed coloring and playing games in class, along with circle time!
First grade got to go to the library and pick out their first books of the year with the help of Mrs. Klapholz, the librarian and her helper Cameron. When we finished we all played a game of Apples to Apples: Jewish Edition, and practiced our reading skills on the cards.

Our second graders had the first Art class of the year with Mrs. Shulgasser, and had a great time making our project.
Third, Fourth, fifth and Sixth grade had a special program for opening day. We had representatives from Living Legacy come to help us make our own Shofars!

We learned about how to tell if an animal is kosher by looking at the type of hooves, and what a shofar is.
Then we got to cut and sand our own shofar to make it look clean and new! Once the instructor helped us drill a big hole in the end, the shofars were hollowed out and ready to use. We even got to practice blowing our shofars!
Cantor Rick told us to bring our shofars with us so that we can participate and help him with the Rosh Hashanah services on Monday!