Thursday, September 29, 2016

L'shanah Tovah!

From everyone here at Temple Emanu El, we wish you and your family a sweet and prosperous new year!
Religious school will resume classes on October 9th; we will not be meeting on October 2nd, 3rd, or 4th.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sunday, September 25th

This week our kindergarten, first, and second grade students gathered in the sanctuary with Rabbi and Cantor Rick.
We talked about what we are thankful for, and then Cantor Rick called the youth choir up to help sing some of the songs about the upcoming holiday of Rosh Hashanah.

Our Pre-K and Kindergarten classes then went to class and celebrated the Earth's birthday. They colored shofars and had fun playing games and drawing, while learning a little bit about Rosh Hashanah!
Our First grade class reviewed their Brit, or list of rules that will need to be followed and what they mean.

 Then they played a memory game!

Each card for the memory game had different facts about how we are supposed to act and what we do during Rosh Hashanah to celebrate.
The day ended with art class! The students made their own plates with tissue paper and modge-podge to hold sweet things for the coming year!

Monday, September 26, 2016

September 25th 2016

5th Grade:
Our morning was great! We started out with the traditional prayers and then continued on to talk about what we can do to benefit our futures! Then, when services were over, we went to the social hall and said prayer, then had some snack.

After finishing snack we walked back to the classroom and began class. After talking a little about the Torah,  we went to the lifecycle room and played a fun activity! When we finished conversing about communal events and private events, we even talked about minions and reading the Torah! We also talked about sharing news with our community and we definitely had fun goofing off about texting (no texting in class)! then we went back to the classroom, opened our books and reviewed some prayers in groups of two!

The students discussed the prayers and what they mean and they read them with their partner. After that, the students presented their prayers by telling the class what the prayer meant and by reading the prayers aloud. Overall the class was great, we'll see you all next week!

TEE Leadership Retreat-- Deadline Extended!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Sunday, September 18th

Sunday, September 18 

Week #2 of Religious School has come and gone.  Temple Emanu El is very lucky to have some committed and talented  teen madrichim that dedicate their Sunday mornings to documenting the learning that happens during Religious School.  This documentation isn’t easy and takes time to perfect.  As with all learning, it’s a work in progress.  This blog is a testimony to the natural curiosities that are uncovered each time Religious School is in session.  Please enjoy perusing our blog as a window into our classrooms and beyond them.  May we continue to go from strength to strength.

Marla Wolf

PreK and Kindergarten

This morning in PreK and Kindergarten the students started off playing games and drawing.  Cantor Lawrence came in later to share his shofar with everyone.  Then, we had circle time and wrote down some rules for the classroom and made a big chain.

-Hannah Appel’



Grade 6

This morning we started out with some traditional chanting of prayers.  Then we talked about the Torah portion, which means, “when you arrive”.  We then had a little fun watching the cantor and rabbi play patty cake. 
After snack we went to the classroom for a fun art project.  The student had choices.  We talked about the Jews receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai as the reading of the Torah in the marketplace.  The students’ drawings were marvelous and very colorful.  We have a very talented class!  
We continued to talk about revelation and G-d giving us the Torah.  We then talked about G-d’s covenant with the Jews and read a description of when G-d gave us the Torah.  After reading some prayers, we talked about tzit tzit and talitot and the blessings that we will say at our Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies.  Then, the rabbi stopped by to talk about three things all tallitot have in common.  Then we read some more prayers and blew some shofarot with the cantor.  We finished the class on the high note. 
 In conclusion, we had a great class with lots of fun!  The 6th Grade students are a pleasure to be with on Sundays!

-Ilana Chestney

Sunday, September 18th

Sunday, September 18 

Week #2 of Religious School has come and gone.  Temple Emanu El is very lucky to have some committed and talented  teen madrichim that dedicate their Sunday mornings to documenting the learning that happens during Religious School.  This documentation isn’t easy and takes time to perfect.  As with all learning, it’s a work in progress.  This blog is a testimony to the natural curiosities that are uncovered each time Religious School is in session.  Please enjoy perusing our blog as a window into our classrooms and beyond them.  May we continue to go from strength to strength.

Marla Wolf

PreK and Kindergarten

This morning in PreK and Kindergarten the students started off playing games and drawing.  Cantor Lawrence came in later to share his shofar with everyone.  Then, we had circle time and wrote down some rules for the classroom and made a big chain.

-Hannah Appel’



Grade 6

This morning we started out with some traditional chanting of prayers.  Then we talked about the Torah portion, which means, “when you arrive”.  We then had a little fun watching the cantor and rabbi play patty cake. 
After snack we went to the classroom for a fun art project.  The student had choices.  We talked about the Jews receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai as the reading of the Torah in the marketplace.  The students’ drawings were marvelous and very colorful.  We have a very talented class!  
We continued to talk about revelation and G-d giving us the Torah.  We then talked about G-d’s covenant with the Jews and read a description of when G-d gave us the Torah.  After reading some prayers, we talked about tzit tzit and talitot and the blessings that we will say at our Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies.  Then, the rabbi stopped by to talk about three things all tallitot have in common.  Then we read some more prayers and blew some shofarot with the cantor.  We finished the class on the high note. 
 In conclusion, we had a great class with lots of fun!  The 6th Grade students are a pleasure to be with on Sundays!

-Ilana Chestney

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Religious School Opening Day-- Fun with the Shofar Factory!

Today was the first day of Religious School for the 2016/2017 school year!
We started the day by having services with Cantor Rick and Rabbi (who joined us via Skype), and learning who our new teachers would be for the year.

Afterwards, we broke off into our class groups.

PreK/Kindergarten students enjoyed coloring and playing games in class, along with circle time!
First grade got to go to the library and pick out their first books of the year with the help of Mrs. Klapholz, the librarian and her helper Cameron. When we finished we all played a game of Apples to Apples: Jewish Edition, and practiced our reading skills on the cards.

Our second graders had the first Art class of the year with Mrs. Shulgasser, and had a great time making our project.

Third, Fourth, fifth and Sixth grade had a special program for opening day. We had representatives from Living Legacy come to help us make our own Shofars! 

We learned about how to tell if an animal is kosher by looking at the type of hooves, and what a shofar is.
Then we got to cut and sand our own shofar to make it look clean and new! Once the instructor helped us drill a big hole in the end, the shofars were hollowed out and ready to use. We even got to practice blowing our shofars!
Cantor Rick told us to bring our shofars with us so that we can participate and help him with the Rosh Hashanah services on Monday!