Sunday, October 26, 2014

What Happened in Grades K-2 on Sunday, October 26...


Rabbi Denker led T'filah by himself today because Cantor Lawrence is getting married! Rabbi told us about Abraham and how God told Abraham that God is  the only god. 

Then we read a book about the best place for a penny. We learned that the best place is a Tzedakah Box. Tzedakah boxes are boxes that contain money for charity. We put money in the boxes so that people who aren't as fortunate as us can be helped out.

Then we went on a scavenger hunt around the temple, hunting for Tzedakah boxes. We found several different Tzedakah boxes in the shop and in the hallways.

Back in our classroom, we decorated people with examples of what it means to take care of those who aren't as fortunate as us.

Grade 1

We had a very fun and educational day today! We started by learning about all of the items that we use during Havdallah time to say goodbye to Shabbat on Saturday night.

First, we colored a picture with all the Havdallah items and then we got to see the objects.

Next, we compared our objects we use to say hello to Shabbat (Friday night) and our objects to say goodbye to Shabbat (Saturday night). Then, to review, we played a very cool game! One student would leave the room while another student went to a table with all out Shabbat objects and would take one away. The student who left would then come back and try to guess which object was missing.

Later in the day, we had a fire drill. We did a great job learning safety! When we returned to the classroom, we got a piece of paper. On the front, we wrote the word week and on the back, we wrote the word Shabbat. On our week side, we drew a picture of something we do during the week and on the Shabbat side we drew something we do during the time of Shabbat. We learned that Shabbat is the time of rest and we should do things that are different from the things that we do during the rest of the week.

Lastly, we went to art with Mrs. Schulgasser. We stayed with our theme of Havdallah by making clay spice bowls. Some of the spices included were ginger and cinnamon. We mixed the clay with the spices to make the clay smell good, just like the spice container during Havdallah and also to change the color of the clay. We then formed our clay into little bowls to make our very own spice containers for Havdallah! It was an awesome day today!  

Grade 2

Today Grade 2 started our day collecting tzadakah. We decided what charity we wanted it to go to, and we collected $9.48 today!

Next we learned about a new parsha (Torah portion). This one was about the 10 plagues! We talked about how when you’re a leader, you’re automatically responsible for the people under you, just like the Pharaoh was responsible for all of the Egyptians. We now know that if everyone else faces consequences, as a leader, we do too.

During snack time in Kehillah, Ms. Evans read the last two plagues to us. After that was T’filahRabbi Denker led T'filah today with some help from our madrichot, because Cantor Lawrence is getting married!. During T'filah, we talked about how God gave us the sun and the Torah - he gave us many gifts that benefit not only the Jewish people, but everyone - so what do we give God? Prayer, love, good behavior, and we create things with what God has given us. We also talked about Abraham and Sara and their brit (agreement) with God.

Back in class, we used our workbooks to learn about the letter tav. It was really fun! We found words that start with tav to help us remember the letter.

Last, we had library. While we waited for the librarian, Jacob showed us his lego book. It was so cool! It is always special to share our favorite things with our classmates.

The librarian read us a book about the 10 plagues. We learned more about what our teacher had told us about the plagues, and the best part? It was a rhyming book!

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