Sunday, September 21, 2014

What Happened on Sunday, September 21 in Grades K-2...


Today was curriculum day, which meant our parents came to Sunday school with us! In the Sanctuary, Cantor Lawrence led us in prayer. He taught us to be thankful for all the miracles that happen in our lives, including waking up in the morning, getting dressed, and coming to TEE.

Then, while the parents went to meet with our teachers, a staff member from Camp Wise came to visit. He told us about camp and how fun it is! He asked how many people have been to Camp Wise, and many of the Madrichim and even some of the students raised their hands.

We watched a video about Camp Wise. Some of the people in the video were are students at TEE! Camp sounds like a ton of fun!

Back in the classroom, Mrs. Bernstein read us a story about Rosh HaShanah and how it is a time when we focus on apologizing for things that we did that weren't the right thing to do. Afterwords, while eating apples and honey, we wrote down apologies on pieces of paper and dissolved them in a bowl of water, just like they did in the story.

Grade 1

Today was curriculum day which means we got to come to Religious School with our parents!!! We started with T’filah and enjoyed praying with our families.

After T'filah, the parents stuck around in the Sanctuary for introductions to the school and our faculty, while the students headed to the social hall for a special Kehillah. Camp Wise came to do a presentation to encourage us to go to Jewish overnight summer camp. The presentation started with all of the TEE students and madrichim who have gone to Camp Wise leading us in a song called “Red Wagon,” because it is often sung at camp. After our “repeat-after-me” song, we watched a brief video of all that Camp Wise had to offer. The video was so cool! It included horseback riding, swimming, zip lining, a lake and Shabbat services. Then we got the chance to ask the Assistant Director, Andy Saltzman a few questions about camp.

In class with our parents, we drew pictures of what we consider a blessing in our lives because our Grade 1 curriculum involves blessings and being thankful for things in our lives. It was great learning with our moms and dads!

Grade 2

Grade 2 started our day with T'filah. We talked about Rosh HaShanah, and Rabbi sang a silly song to describe that the new year is like a circle, and that we have a chance to do the next cycle better!

After that, we had Kehillah. We learned a lot about the cool summer camp, Camp Wise! We started by doing a fun dance which they learn there, then we watched a cool video. When the camp presentation was over, we had a snack of graham crackers and water. 

When we got to class, our parents got to sit in with us! We talked briefly about our fun-filled weekends, then we talked about Rosh HaShanah and it’s correlation to Yom Kippur. Did you know that Rosh means head and Shanah means year? 

Last, we did a fun activity with our parents - we learned about the foods we have on Rosh HaShanah while eating them! We’ll be prepared to help our parents get these foods ready on Thursday when Rosh HaShanah comes. 

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