Kindergarten started our day with circle time, which is how we normally begin. This helps us establish a classroom routine so we know what to expect when we come to Religious School. Circle time gives us a chance to share with our new friends what we did this past week.
After sitting down during circle time, we needed to stretch! We sang "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" in Hebrew, which we knew from previous weeks, and learned a new song - Shabbat Boogie!
We started to talk about stories that can be found in the Torah and Mrs. Bernstein had us draw pictures of our favorite stories.
Everyone had a chance to share their picture and favorite story with the class. It was a great day!
Grade 1
Grade 1 started our day with a story. Ms. Levy read to us about Sammy Spider's first Simchat Torah.
In T'filah we learned a new song with Cantor Yomtov. It is called "Rise and Shine."
In class, we explored the holiday of Simchat Torah and learned that we wave flags to celebrate. We decided to make Israeli flags that we can use next year at Simchat Torah.
In keeping with our Simchat Torah theme, we talked about the Torah (what is it, where can we find it, when do we use it, etc) and learned the blessing that we say before reading Torah. Everyone got to decorate their own copy of the brachah (blessing).
Grade 2
Grade 2 started our day learning about the letter lamed. We used our Hebrew workbooks to practice finding the letter in a row of words.
Then we went to T'filah. We love using our new Mishkan T'filah siddurim (prayer books)! We learned a new song, "Rise and Shine" with Cantor Yomtov.
When we came back to class, Mrs. Ehrenreich taught us about the letter mem and how it looks different when it appears at the end of a word. This is called mem sofit.
In art class, we made letter wheels using the outline of a Torah. This will help us practice our Hebrew letters at home each week.
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