To begin the day, Kindergarten colored some pictures of
superheroes. Next up was Kehillah, where we had Havdallah, sang to the March
birthdays, then ate some goldfish and water. Next, in T’filah, we talked all
about Mishkan, and how there are places where people can come together for
whatever purpose they need to. Synagogues are an example of Mishkan, because
they’re places Jewish people come together to pray to G-d, who is in each
going over our Brit, kindergarten got together for Circle Time. We sat in a
circle on the carpet and told stories from this weekend, and after we did that
we got the chance to ask any questions we had about Purim.
Next, Mrs. Lewis showed up as our special guest today! We
gathered as a class in the social hall and divided into three groups. The first
group, got together with our madrich, Alex, and we played
a Purim themed go fish game.
The next group made mishloach manot (gifts that we give to each other on Purim).
last group had a simple job, which was making hamantaschin with Mrs. Lewis.
Grade 1
We started our day by drawing pictures of what we remembered from learning about Purim last week.
Then, we had Circle Time. We shared one thing that was exciting that we did this past week and one way that we were a Jewish Hero. It turns out that a lot of us saw the movie Zootopia!
In Kehillah, Cantor played Hebrew Simon Says with us while we waited for everyone to arrive.
Then, we had Havdallah.
In T'filah, Cantor reviewed what we know about Purim, to help us prepare for next week's Megillah reading and Purim Carnival!
Back in class, we voted as a class for where we would like our Tzedakah to be donated. We decided that our tzedakah should go to help animals. Then, Ms. Levy read us the book The Purim Surprise. It was about a girl who was afraid that she wouldn't have a good time at Purim because she had just moved to a new town, but it turned out to be the best Purim ever!
In Art class, we made special crowns for our Purim costumes for next week!
Grade 2
To begin the day, Grade 2 drew typical fruits that go into jams for hamantaschin. We then “made” hamantaschin out of paper plates, and we decorated them, putting the fruits we’d drawn into them for decoration. Next up was Kehillah, where we had Havdallah, sang to the March birthdays, then ate some goldfish and water. Next, in T’filah, we talked all about Mishkan, and how there are places where people can come together for whatever purpose they need to. Synagogues are an example of Mishkan, because they’re places Jewish people come together to pray to G-d, who is in each person.
getting back to class, we had story time on the carpet. Mrs. Henry read a fun
story about Purim to us, and we
discussed a little bit about the holiday to have knowledge for when we had
library later on.
the story, we watched a video on the iPads. This video was a silly
animated version of the story of Purim.
we had library. The librarian read us a story about Purim and Queen Esther. We
learned that Queen Esther saved the lives of her people. A question was asked-
Aside from Haman being a bad person, what did we learn from the story? Our
answers varied, but the main points we got were that Esther was brave and she
had to overcome her fears to save her people.