Grade 3
Grades 3-6 started our day in T'filah. Cantor Lawrence led us in prayer and Rabbi Denker told us the story of how Jacob fled the land if Israel for 20 years and when he returned he had to face his brother, with whom he had fought.
In our classroom, during Kehillah, we all shared our plans for Thanksgiving.
After Kehillah, in Judaics, we learned about a Torah portion called Kedoshim. In the portion, God outlines a list of mitzvot that help us act in holy ways. One example is treating people with kindness.
After working on our worksheets in small groups, we performed skits that brought to life the scenarios we were discussing.
Then, we created drawings that showed examples of both how we should act according to Parshat Kedoshin and how we should not act.
Grade 4
Grades 3-6 started our day in T'filah. Cantor Lawrence led us in prayer and Rabbi Denker told us the story of how Jacob fled the land if Israel for 20 years and when he returned he had to face his brother, with whom he had fought.
Back in the classroom, during Kehillah, we talked about our family Chanukah traditions.
In Art class, Mrs. Schulgasser taught us about Pop Art and how we could use this form of artistic expression to publicize the mitzvah of Chanukah (persumai mitzvah)
Here is what our pictures looked like at the end!
In Grade Hebrew we learned the difference between long and short vowels.
Mr. Stone even helped us by getting us active in opening our hands up wide for long and putting them back together for short.
Grade 5
Grade 5 started our morning by re-listening to a song about Devorah the prophetess. Then, we split into groups of four and read midrashim about Devorah...
...Our groups used these midrashim to better understand the story of Devorah and what made her a great leader.
Using these same groups, we created our own midrashim about Devorah in the form of songs. Some people made raps, some made pop style songs and some of us even created dance moves to go along with our songs!
In Hebrew, we worked on decoding the G'vurot with a partner. When our madrich, Jadon, called out one of the lines and words and we read it correctly, we got the chance to try to make a basket!!
Grade 6
This morning our Grade 6 students did an amazing job creating individual wimples for each of their parshiot!
First, the artist stretched the canvas for us to work on.
Then we used water color paints to create our drawings.
Some of us came in with sketches and the artist showed us how we could transfer those into the silk.