Grade 3
Grades 3-6 started their day in the Social Hall with GUCI (our URJ summer camp). GUCI led us in several camp theme games, so we could see what it would be like to go to camp there. One game was a relay race where you had to put a ball on a spoon and race across the room without letting it drop and give it to the next person.
In Art class, we made visual brachot (blessings).
Our visual brachot focused on the brachot that we say over food. After we sketched a food that went with the brachah we were assigned, we then painted our drawing with water color.
In Hebrew class, Ms. Hyman went around the room to check if we'd completed learning about the letter lamed. While she checked our work, she gave us a challenging worksheet that required us to rewrite words switching around the vowels. It was hard, but we liked the challenge!
Once we finished our worksheet, we read pg. 18 with our partners. As you can see, we were practicing the letter lamed and the holam vowel.
We ended today's class by dividing into two groups and took turns reading to either our madrichah Melissa or Ms. Hyman.
Grade 4
Grades 3-6 started their day in the Social Hall with GUCI (our URJ summer camp). GUCI led us in several camp theme games, so we could see what it would be like to go to camp there. One game was a relay race where you had to put a ball on a spoon and race across the room without letting it drop and give it to the next person.
In Judaics, we talked about the difference between respect and honor. In Judaism, it is a mitzvah to show Kavod to our parents. Kavod is sometimes translated as respect and sometimes translated as honor. While the words are similar, there is a difference! Honor is sort of like a one way street in that when you honor someone, they don't necessarily have to honor you back. But respect goes both ways. When you respect someone, they need to respect you back.
To see how the difference between respect and honor come up in the Torah, we looked at two stories, one was about Moses and one was about Joseph and put on skits to demonstrate how the people in the stories did or didn't show honor and/or respect.
In Hebrew, we learned about the shema and how when we say the shema we close our eyes to focus on this important statement of faith that declares that there is only one God. We also used games to work on decoding specific words that we are working on in the brachot we are studying.
Grade 5
begin our day, Grades 3 through 6 went to the Social Hall to see a visitor. Our
visitors were Jeremy and Ethan from Camp GUCI. They gave us a small
presentation about GUCI and we were able to ask questions about camp Then, we played two games, each
of which was a relay race. In the first one, we had balloons, and we put them
between our legs. We then had to jump to get to the other side of the room,
where another teammate was waiting to switch off with us. The next relay was
ping pong ball balancing on a spoon. We had to hold the spoon in our left
hands, so those of us who were right handed had a disadvantage. Afterward,
grades kindergarten through second joined us for a special snack of popsicles.
During this, we watched a video of all the fun that goes on at Camp GUCI.
in class, we took attendance, saying ‘ani-po’ if we were here, and ‘lo-po’ if
someone wasn’t. We updated our timeline and reviewed what we’ve learned. We
just finished Moses, so now we’re moving on to Joshua.
learn about Joshua, we made a social media page about him. We split into groups
and made these pages on paper, drawing them by using Twitter, Instagram, and
Facebook as templates. We gave information about him, and learned about him, in
a fun way.
To begin Hebrew studies, we went to page 20 in our workbooks.
We were finishing up the Avot v'Imahot. People who have been absent and who
needed a little extra help with this prayer went to the library with our
madrachim to study it more in-depth. The rest of us were with Ms. Winberg did a partner read-through of the prayer.
finishing up whatever work we had left in our Hebrew workbooks, we learned to
chant the Avot v'Imahot as a class.
Grade 6
To begin our day, Grades 3 through 6 went to the Social Hall to see a visitor. Our visitors were Jeremy and Ethan from Camp GUCI. They gave us a small presentation about GUCI and we were able to ask questions about camp Then, we played two games, each of which was a relay race. In the first one, we had balloons, and we put them between our legs. We then had to jump to get to the other side of the room, where another teammate was waiting to switch off with us. The next relay was ping pong ball balancing on a spoon. We had to hold the spoon in our left hands, so those of us who were right handed had a disadvantage. Afterward, grades kindergarten through second joined us for a special snack of popsicles. During this, we watched a video of all the fun that goes on at Camp GUCI.
in class, Grade 6 went through attendance. Mrs. Zaas filled in for our normal
teacher today. We learned about an upcoming program called “Count Me In,” then
we began our daily lesson. In our lesson, we learned the word for “I am here,” which is Heneini. We talked about the times Abraham said this, the first
being when he spoke to God at the burning bush.
we got examples of real life situations. We then had to match them up with
Torah stories that had similar themes. In this, we used critical thinking skills and problem solving.
Once we’d chosen which two stories matched, we read them aloud and our
classmates corrected each other.
we began our Hebrew studies. We said the Torah study blessing, then we talked a
little about Mrs. Zaas’ favorite prayer, Shecheianu. We said the Shecheianu today because it was one student's first time with us on a Sunday! Then we worked on look alike letters and came up with tricks to remember which letter makes which sound when they look similar.
Cantor Lawrence came into class and taught us about how the letter ayin has transformed from a gutteral stop to a silent letter.