Today was a full day in Kindergarten! While we waited for our classmates to arrive, we talked about all the nice things we are going to do for our moms today. We connected the value of Mother's Day to the value of loving our neighbor as ourselves.
We also reviewed what we've learned about the next Jewish holiday - Shavuot.
After T'filah and Kehillah, we created two sets of posters. The first was a poster that showed one thing we learned this year in Kindergarten, one thing we liked that we did and
one thing that we would change.
Then we all worked together on a welcome poster for next year's class! Next year's Kindergarten students will be strangers to the classroom, so this was a great way for us to put into practice one of the Jewish values we learned this year, welcoming the stranger.
Grade 1
Today was a great wrap up day in 1st Grade! We
started the day with our last Circle Time, where we counted our Tzedakah and said something exciting
from our week. We then talked about Jewish heroes one more time and how we
could be our own Jewish heroes by helping others and helping the world.
After Kehillah and T'filah, we read a story called, Something From Nothing. As we read the book, we watched all of the ways that a little boy recycled a gift from his grandfather. We talked about recycling and how taking care of the earth by reusing things is a great way to be a Jewish hero.
Then, we got a special snack. Mrs. Levy brought us cupcakes as a thank you for being such great Jewish heroes!
After we finished our snack, we went to art. Mrs. Schulgasser planned a special project for us that connected to what we learned from Something From Nothing. We used every day objects that might normally get thrown away to create artistic sculptures! We can't wait for the chance to do more Jewish hero activities during Mitzvah Day next week.
Grade 2
To begin our day, we played a few review games with the letter of the Aleph Bet. In this picture, we're playing a game of bingo. In order to claim the square, you need to be able to identify the letter and its sound.
During Kehillah, we had our last Havdallah ceremony of the year. But luckily, Shabbat comes every week, so we can keep doing Havdallah at home with our parents over the summer!
In T'filah, Rabbi talked to us about how rules keep us safe. We've been thinking a lot about rules because the holiday of Shavuot is coming up, which is when we celebrate God giving us the Torah.
Back in our classroom, we spent time reflecting on all of the things we've learned this year. Our curriculum has focused on the Book of Shemot, Avodah (worship and prayer) and G'milut Chasadim (Acts of Loving Kindness).
During Library, Mrs. Lowe read us a story about Shavuot. We're excited for this meaningful Jewish holiday!