During Circle Time today, we talked about an important Hebrew word - Kavod. Kavod means "respect" or "honor" and showing people Kavod is one way that we treat our neighbors the way that we want to be treated.
One way that we show God Kavod is by being respectful during T'filah (prayer services). Our madrichim help us with this by helping us following along in our siddurim (prayer books).
Did you know that this year we're using brand new siddurim? They are just like the blue Mishkan T'filah Siddurim, except they are made just for kids like us!
Back in class, Mrs. Bernstein asked us for examples of how we can show Kavod to others. When we shared an example, Mrs. Bernstein gave us a heart.
After that, it was time for the Shabbat Boogie!! It's great to get up and moving during class.
To end our day, Mrs. Bernstein took us on a scavenger hunt around the synagogue. We visited lots of cool places in the synagogue. Some of them were familiar, and some we'd never seen before. We're excited to get to know our building even better in the coming months. We can't wait for school to start again on January 12!
Grade 1
To begin our day, Mrs. Milgrom visited our classroom to talk to us about the importance of listening to our madrichim. Some of us are having a difficult time showing our madrichim kavod (respect). We like to play with them and it's hard to listen when they ask us to stop and focus on class instead. But, after our conversation today, we feel confident that we'll do a great job starting next semester!
In Kehillah, we had Havdallah, which is where we celebrate the conclusion of Shabbat and the start of our new week.
We also enjoyed animal crackers for snack - yum!
In T'filah, our madrichim help us find our place in our new Mishkan T'filah Siddurim (prayer books) for Children.
After T'filah, we rehearsed for Consecration. Don't forget to help us practice our songs and our lines for the D'var Torah at home, especially over Winter Break!
In Art class with Mrs. Schulgasser we worked together a free flow creative mural. We practiced working as a team to create one cohesive piece of art. In doing so, we needed to not only communicate well together, but also make sure that we showed kavod to each other's ideas and personal artistic space. It was challenging, but we had fun!
Grade 2
Grade 2 had a great day! Now that we know so many Hebrew letters and vowels, we're able to follow along in the Hebrew during T'filah. Our new siddurim (prayer books) are great!
It is hard to believe that we're already half way through the year. Mrs. Ehrenreich helped us review the letters and vowels that we've learned so far and we're really excited by how much we know!
She also gave us mid-year awards. Everyone got an award that recognized how we are each unique and positively contribute to our classroom.
To end our day, we played a review game. We each got a Hebrew letter and if Mrs. Ehrenreich or one of our madrichim called out our letter we got to get up and do a crazy dance. We can't wait for school to start again on January 12!